Monday, August 6, 2012

The road so far...

So we've been at this for about 7 months now and we have ran into some interesting people no doubt. Some are doing it full time like ourselves, and some not so much. The common theme? ...Everyone loves it! It's something I've noticed along the way, people love the idea of "getting away" and most ponder the idea of doing it full time.

There are some common reasons as to why it sounds like such a grand idea;

Convenient Mobility: Nobody likes moving, packing and lifting all your heavy crap, loading and unloading. If and when you have to move your home, you just start the engine and put it into drive with all your stuff already in it!

Crappy Neighbors: Ever have those stupid neighbors that just won't improve or more importantly GO AWAY! Well 1st of all, in an RV park they never last long enough to worry about and 2ndly you can always move to a different site.

Scenic Locations: The suburban atmosphere and it's predictability can certainly provide some level of security and comfort but, for anyone with a desire for variety and a natural motive to go outside and live life a little, a "mobile" house can easily stimulate your soul.

Cheaper living: Starting out may cost a nice shiny nickel but let's remember, you can always improve, so start small and simple if you have to. Once your ready to hit the road you will only need so much income to sustain the lifestyle. Most RV parks charge less than 500 bucks a month to stay if it must be as long as a month. In the long run you'll be able to spend more money on things you want to do instead of bills.

Freedom: The freedom to roam, unattached to routines and pesky annoyances in everyday life that pop up because they know where you live. The feeling of true independence. Free to just live the way you want to!

Of course there are some negative aspects to this liberating lifestyle, as there are to every kind of lifestlye. Any which way you choose to live your life has it's own set of challenges. We as a society sometimes expect to just fall in line and follow the standard layouts of the growing masses. But, if you take a minute and really think about what means the most to you as a human being surviving this planet, and all the life experiences you hope to look back on. You might realize that you always have options. I'm not saying it's for everyone, nor that any other way is the wrong way to live. I just want to share some of the magic that I have experienced myself with anyone who has an ounce of interest. We have definitely gone thru some painful adjustments in this proccess, but we have gained some eye opening wisdom that we share with each other including our 2 year old son. I would imagine wisdom to be something that could be defined as, general information that most people hear about thru other people's experiences, but will only have true understanding with personal experience.

For instance; we spend our time as people trying to accomplish goals that tend to reflect outside influences given in our upbringing. Sometimes they are career oriented. Sometimes they are based on social status. Sometimes it's a collection of ideas gathered in the process but resembles a popular outcome. I've learned that no matter where you are or what you do, you are as significant as everyone else. Not that I ever felt better than anyone else but it's easy to forget that we all share the same basic need to attain balance. We travel and the most consitant vision is everyone else trying to find there place. This life has so many things to experience good and bad and we all have an infinite mission to learn and love from all of our experiences. I know it sounds like a hippie point of view but come on, were the hippies really a bad thing? We do have career oriented goals and larger aspirations in this lifestyle but learning to take things at a slower pace sure can open your eyes to a well grounded point of view.

1 comment:

  1. What a great outlook on RV living and a poignant and powerful thought to end your post with! I think one of the greatest advantages of what you’re doing now is that your son will learn true independence, freedom and responsibility a little quicker than most, since he has a lot of places to explore and learn from. He might be too young to truly remember any of what’s happening right now, but no doubt his experiences with RV living will stay with him forever.

    Tobias Thrash
